Whats On Ben Stokes' Mind?

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Ben's Guide To Music/Movies Vol 2 1st Edition

I watch a lot of movies and I love to analyze and critique them. I will admit, I'm a pretty tough critic. Here is my scale for ratings: 1-2=F 3-4=D 5-6=C 7-8=B 9-10=A. Any thing that is in between will get a plus or minus. Here are some movies that I've watched recently and my reviews:

No Country For Old Men- 8.5/10 (B+)
This movie is not meant for everyone. Its a thriller movie, but it is done in a very unorthodox way that your 'popcorn movie go-ers' probably won't like all that much. Its about a man who finds money on a drug bust, and then is chased down by a crazed killer (I absolutely loved this character) who is in pursuit of the money. The plot sounds simple enough that you while you watch, you are teased that this is a man-hunt movie where the bad guy will die in the end. (spoiler, sorry!) The movie actually has a lot of themes and symbolism throughout the movie and takes a bit of analyzing to understand it. While it is a bit slowly paced in a couple spots, the dialogue was excellent, the acting was solid, and there were some pretty cool action scenes.

2001: A Space Odyssey-9/10 (A-)
Here's an golden oldie from 1968 that is directed by the legendary Stanley Kubrick. This was actually my first time ever seeing this film, and by the end, I was overwhelmed and confused. The movie is actually split up into 4 parts, the first is set in prehistoric times, then it jumps to a space scene, then goes to a Jupiter mission (which features the legendary Hal 9000 computer story line), and finally ends in a room that is in the 4th dimension. On its most basic level, the movie is about how man's technology nearly destroys him, but there is really so much more you can take in here. At the end of the movie, I didn't quite understand everything but I was very intrigued by the movie and wanted to learn more. I ended up reading an explanation for it on the internet, and the more I thought about this movie, the more I liked it. Yes, its another movie that the regular popcorn movie goers probably won't enjoy, but I really liked it. Some may complain of the length or the pacing of the movie, but I really didn't have too much of a problem with it. The movie was incredibly groundbreaking for its time, its original, and it makes you think. It is a classic

Live Free Or Die Hard-6.5/10 (C+)
Well, here's one that people who see movies purely to be entertained will enjoy. Its pretty much a straight-up action movie with car chases, gun shootouts, and crazy stunts. Bruce Willis is of course "McClaine" and obviously just demolishes people. The story line isn't too bad here, and there are some cool scenes, but I swear people never die in this movie and there is some pretty far-fetched action stuff that you know would never happen in real life. If you are big time into action movies, this will be a movie for you.

Blade Runner- 9/10 (A-)
I got the final cut of this sci-fi classic for Christmas. If you are wondering what the difference is between the final cut and the other versions of this movie are, well, I'm not exactly sure. Maybe there was a scene or two that was extended from the other versions and maybe the picture is a bit better, but I couldn't really tell the difference, so I'm just grading this purely based on the goodness of the movie. This movie is set for the future and is about a group of replicants (robots that are like humans, but they are mostly used as servants and slaves) that rebel against society because they find out that the replicants are only made to live for 4 years. Harrison Ford plays Deckard who is a Blade Runner (cop that hunts down replicants that are a harm to society) who tries to track down this group. The last 20 minutes of this film is just simply awesome and is one of the better ending to any movie I've seen. The setting and atmosphere to this movie pretty much started a revolution (this movie came out in 1982). It also started a debate on whether or not Harrison Ford's character was indeed a replicant or a human (people still argue over this). It has a great setting and atmosphere, good action, good story, and has some real interesting dialogue at towards the end of the movie. There is a scene or two that I could do without, but this is one of my favorite movies and is another classic

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