Whats On Ben Stokes' Mind?

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Things To Think About Vol 4 1st Edition

I hate how the church gets all involved in media and politics, it really irritates me.
First of all, you really notice this during primary season and election season like we are in now where many politicians are concerned about appealing to evangelical Christians and church-goers etc...yes, that bothers me because I think candidates are just using the church to get themselves votes. But what really gets me is so called "Christian leaders" who are backing a certain candidate. It really concerns me, not so much the leader itself, but the people who will follow that leader's choice in candidates even if they know nothing about that certain candidate.
If a religious leader (lets say an important catholic leader) supports Mike Huckabee for example, it seems to me that everyone catholic (hypothetical) is almost bound to vote for and support Huckabee. I know this happened in our church way back when Bush was running. Everyone supported Bush and they were excited to back a "Christian" president and I remember even during church after 9/11 happened how happy they were to have a "Christian" president and us even talking about this during a service or two. I'm sure everyone can tell by reading this, that I do not support Bush very much, but still I believe that people should be able to make their own decisions based on what they believe in, not what someone else does. If you are waiting for your church leader to make a decision on who they are voting for so you can vote for the same person, I'm sorry, but you shouldn't be voting. Look into the candidates for yourself and make a decision.

On to the other part of my rant, which is getting the media out of the church. Many churches nation-wide were promoting the heck out of "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe". Why? Because it was written by a Christian author and it had some Religious undertones in it. Was this really a life-changing movie that the church really needed to go hoop-la over? No. It was basically a Harry Potter movie. But the church hates and despises "Harry Potter" because it uses witchcraft. But the church loves "Narnia" because it uses witchcraft along with a supposed "christian message". What is this "christian message"? It goes like this-in Narnia, the lion sacrifices his life to save another and comes back to life just like Jesus did. Ok yes, that is a religious parallel. However, how many other gazillions of movies can you also make religious parallels if you are looking for them? I talked to some people who had seen this movie and they weren't even aware that this was supposed to be a Christian movie. If you ask me, Disney knows that if they put out a movie that has a Christian theme to it, but make the theme as unnoticeable as possible, then sell it to the church, they know they will make millions even if it is a crappy movie. Disney knows that the church is a very easy target and they will make huge money.

So is church a place where we worship God, or is it a political machine and a media target?

Think About It

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