Things To Think About Vol 5 1st Edition
"This is the first day of your new life". How many times have I heard that quote? Many find it brilliant, I find it to be a load of crap. The point of this quote in my opinion is to get people to find hope and joy in waking up every and thinking of having a fresh start. However, Life is not merely a day-by-day process where you can start over each day. Choices have consequences and life is all connected together through many choices, situations, and developments.
I'm trying to think of a situation that you could actually apply this quote to, and I can't think of any.
People that are homeless and in poverty are usually in these situations because they were born into them and made poor choices in their life. I have spoken with homeless people and they all regret the choices they have made in their past that have led them to the life that they have now. If they could just wake up one day, get a solid job, find a home and have a family, they would in a heartbeat. However, its not that simple. No employer wants them, and if someone does its a very low-paying job. They didn't go to college, and most of them probably dropped out of high school. And college takes a ton of money. So tell me, how are they one day just going to wake up and say "today is the first day of my new life"? They can't. Its unfortunate, but all choices have consequences, and some are life-long consequences.
People in the work world I really can't see them applying this either. You either love what you do, you think it could be better, or you hate it. People that hate it and think it could be better would want to wake up and say "today is the first day of my new life", but guess what, they can't change it. They have a certain education in a certain field and if they don't like it, well thats what you chose so you are stuck with it. Also, the longer you work with a company, the more benefits you get. So exactly why would you wanna start over again with another company and lose everything you gained? Thats the reality of choices
You can apply the quote in a spiritual sense such as if you become a Christian you can start your life over, but I almost never hear this quote used in that sense.
If I made up a quote, I guess it would just be this- "choose wisely"
Think About It
I'm trying to think of a situation that you could actually apply this quote to, and I can't think of any.
People that are homeless and in poverty are usually in these situations because they were born into them and made poor choices in their life. I have spoken with homeless people and they all regret the choices they have made in their past that have led them to the life that they have now. If they could just wake up one day, get a solid job, find a home and have a family, they would in a heartbeat. However, its not that simple. No employer wants them, and if someone does its a very low-paying job. They didn't go to college, and most of them probably dropped out of high school. And college takes a ton of money. So tell me, how are they one day just going to wake up and say "today is the first day of my new life"? They can't. Its unfortunate, but all choices have consequences, and some are life-long consequences.
People in the work world I really can't see them applying this either. You either love what you do, you think it could be better, or you hate it. People that hate it and think it could be better would want to wake up and say "today is the first day of my new life", but guess what, they can't change it. They have a certain education in a certain field and if they don't like it, well thats what you chose so you are stuck with it. Also, the longer you work with a company, the more benefits you get. So exactly why would you wanna start over again with another company and lose everything you gained? Thats the reality of choices
You can apply the quote in a spiritual sense such as if you become a Christian you can start your life over, but I almost never hear this quote used in that sense.
If I made up a quote, I guess it would just be this- "choose wisely"
Think About It
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